Thursday, March 27, 2014

Using Technology for Data Collection

Technology is a tool some teachers fear.  The mere sight of a computer in their classroom may be enough to haunt them at night... but why are some teachers adamant about using something that can make our jobs easier?!

With the growing demands on educators (see Common Core, PARCC, teacher evaluation, etc.), we need something in the classroom that can allow us to prepare our students for the 21st century, while still meeting the needs of a changing system that revolves around data collection.

Below, find resources I have compiled about three tools I use regularly in my classroom for data collection, Edmodo, Google Forms, and No Red Ink.


* The Edmodo Teacher's Guide:  A very detailed PDF on Edmodo basics
* Edmodo Quizzes- Tips and Tricks:  Includes pictures, annotations, and helpful tips
* Edmodo Quizzes:  The benefits of using Edmodo quizzes and more annotated pictures

Google Forms

* Google Forms Templates:  Templates divided by category for all teachers
* Public Templates on Google Drive:  Google-compiled search results for teachers
* 10 Great Free Google Forms Every Teacher Should Be Using:  Speaks for itself!


* Using NoRedInk for Students: PDF guide with annotated pictures
* English Teacher Rethinks Grammar Lessons... with an App:  Mashable article on the site!