But the truth is... they're not ready yet.
Think about the first few days of school. Regardless what grade we teach, we start the first week of school walking through our class expectations, basic rules, and practicing procedures and routines. Even with my middle school students who have been in school for years, I start with the basics. I review how to enter the classroom, how I want them seated, where I want their books, I even show them my expectations for discussions!
Using technology in class is no different! The kids need to be trained on your routines, procedures, and expectations for their behavior and work produced.
Before my students use the computers or any type of technology in the classroom, I have a few things I review.
- What computer/device to get: Unless you have a BYOD program at your school, you probably use a laptop cart. Make sure students are assigned a number for a device. This way students will know which computer to get every time they work with tech, and you can monitor the devices!
- How they will be getting the computers: My laptops are in a cart in the back of my classroom. I can't just have my 7th graders run to the back of the classroom to get them... it would be madness! The kids know they are called over by groups. They wait until I give them the signal.
- How to put the computers away: Believe it or not, some students don't know what to do when they're done using a computer! Show the students how to hibernate, sleep, or shut down the computer. Show them how to plug-in the computer using the appropriate wire, which way you want the computers facing. Take this seriously so it's done well!
And MOST IMPORTANTLY... Netiquette
Netiquette is proper etiquette online. The lessons you teach about this can be some of the most powerful you will teach all year!
Explicitly tell students what type of writing is expected, how they are expected to post or comment to each other, and how they are to write an email to their teachers! These are little things, but they must be Taught! Modeled! Discussed!
There are some great videos that explain this on Youtube if you're stuck or you can see what I use with my students on my Techy Tuesday blog!
What are some other things you teach students before using tech in the classroom???